Ryan Bialas, MD

Ryan Bialas, MD

Co-Founder, Treasurer

Ryan is the father of two children with plasminogen deficiency. Obtaining a rare disease diagnosis for his children, coming to terms with an uncertain prognosis, and discovering few treatments existed added a significant challenge to his new role as a dad. These difficulties were made bearable by the small community he found of other PLGD patients and families. Ryan would like to broaden this community for the benefit of all PLGD patients.

He earned his B.S., M.D. and a Masters of Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he also completed his residency training in anesthesiology. During his undergraduate years, he worked extensively in a proteomics lab, where he studied the interactions of numerous proteins, including plasminogen. His background in basic science and medicine give him specialized insight into the development of new research protocols and treatments for plasminogen deficiency.